What is a brand audit?

Brand audits evaluate how your brand's positioned in the market. Brand positioning's how a customer recalls your brand and how your brand fits in to that market.

We'll review how your brand presents itself externally, how customers see it and how staff communicate to customers. We identify areas where your company can improve its brand’s overall performance, using a traffic light system to report on every little part of your business.

But wait... I already spent money on my branding

We get it. But, eventually, every brand needs a tune up.

A brand audit, is a one-to-one service for smart business leaders and marketers to get their brands (or clients brands) evaluated.

It gives you a detailed plan of what you need to do to grow your brand.

The knowledge you gain and the plan that’s outlined is completely in line with your business goals.

And, for anything you spend on a brand audit, you'll get back in return.

It’s roughly the same investment as a quality brand photoshoot, it's only a little more expensive than a smashed avo on toast.

But, what you will have is a clear picture of what’s working and what needs work.

And, not every brand problem, needs fixing with a full rebrand, incl. strategy, website and social media graphics.

Brand Audits, lower the cost of rebranding and help you invest in the right areas to grow your brand.

a photo of a man with a navy blue tone, with writing that reads level up podcasta photo of a man with a navy blue tone, with writing that reads level up podcast

By the end of a two week brand audit you'll

Understand how to maximise your brands impact

Being unsure how to grow your brand is ok, we're here to help give you a clear explanation of the recommendations and why we are suggesting the changes.

Change your brand based on theory, not assumptions

Over the course of many years, brands are tweaked unnecessarily or by mistake. This leads to a fragmented brand that is difficult to use.

Redirect money to areas of the business that need it

The purpose of this whole thing is for us to help you strategise and make sure you invest in the things identified in the audit. Photography, SEO, videography etc.

Have a clear action plan for the future of the brand

We'll deliver a 20+ page document to outline what works and what doesn't, using a traffic light system. Red needs urgent attention, amber can wait, green's good.

Ready to grow your brand with us?

Book a quick 30-minute call to run us through what you do, what your brand goals are and learn more about the process.

A taylors chalk sitting on a shelf, photographed for Rundle Tailoring, Newcastle

How much time will I need to put into a brand audit?

Surprisingly, you won't need to give up much time for an audit. We work independently to you, so you can carry on as normal. Below's a list of all the things you need to gather and supply.

After that, the only thing you'll need to do is be open minded to our recommendations and bring the key stakeholders together to listen to a presentation. We can also record a video for you.

What do I need to supply you?

Everything! We need to get eyes on as much as we can. Any current and old branded documents are important, and some are crucial in diagnosing certain problems. We need to look at your:

Brand Guidelines

Incl. logos, fonts and brand imagery – graphics, photos and videos.


Ideally samples, or detailed photos of the packaging.

Printed Marketing

Posters, flyers, anything you've printed.

Brand Stationery

Business cards, folders, comp slips, letterheads etc.

Digital documents

Downloads, info sheets, capability statements etc.


Any marketing email sent out to customers.


How do you and your team present themselves to customers?

Customer Journey

Guide us through the journey, or let us experience your brand.


So we can see how you present yourself online.

Employee Handbooks

So we can see how you present yourself online.

Ad Campaigns

Anything in circulation. Or, past campaigns.


Not physical signs, photos of vehicles, offices, shops.

Taking bookings now

Start with a 30-minute discovery call where you can run us through what you do, what your goals are and then we can go through any questions you have.


Before reaching out to you, I was worried about the cost and being able to establish a usable brand in the time I had budgeted for.

But, I felt supported in the process, and you got back to me quickly and efficiently, which suited me well. You were responsive to my suggestions and open to the evolution of the brand. It has been great working with you, and I love what we have developed.

I have loved working with you so much. I recommended you recently to a colleague in NZ. You are prompt, no fuss, effective, supportive, creative and intuitive. You and your service is worth every cent.

Thank you SO much Snapper Studio. The working relationship with you makes me feel really supported. I don’t think I could have gotten to this stage without being able to bounce business stuff around. What you do is very specialised!

Dr Gillian Maddock, EMDR Australia
A happy lady in a green dress sits on a brown sofa in a brightly lit office